After not being able to breastfeed my first child, I was adamant to give breastfeeding another go with my second who is still breastfed at nearing 8 months.
Although the beginning of our journey was altered with a few hiccups after birth and needing to be transferred to another hospital and using donor milk. We eventually got there with some amazing support from a few incredible midwives in hospital and the use of a nipple shield (which I had never heard of). We still use this shield today and although it is another thing to add in the bag before we leave home I am grateful to be able to breastfeed.
There has been many challenges along the way but I love breastfeeding my son and I’ve breastfed in many “odd” spots, top of Mt Maunganui on our family holiday, boot of our 4wd, heck even feeding and walking the City to Surf 6km walk.
I’ve passed my breastfeeding goal of 6 months (he is 9 months now), so the next goal is to 12 months but we will take each month as we go.